Friday, 5 December 2014

Lowlifes in the Basement #77

MP3 - PodOmatic - iTunes

"Mother tries to comfort me, she says: 'Here son, have some eggnog.' But I fucking hate eggnog, seriously."

1. The Body - To Attempt Openness
2. Crass - Asylum
3. Eric Cartman - Swiss Colony Beef Log
4. Hellshovel - Pixie Dust
5. Jim Norton and Jim Florentine - Camping Stories (Opie and Jimmy)
6. NĂ¼ Sensae - Tyjna
7. Meadows - Loaded To The Gunwales
8. Le Kraken - Aces
9. Cheap Time - Exit Smiles

Arthur Rothstein

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Lowlifes in the Basement #76

MP3 - PodOmatic - iTunes

"Pacifism is bullshit talk, destroy the way the fascists walk. Guerrilla war is not for fun, the only way to get things done."

01. Jimmy Lee Harris - Don't The Moon Look Lonesome
02. Black Sabbath - Die Young
03. The Ex - Weapons for El Salvador
04. Come - String
05. Obliterations - Head Wound
06. Selfies - It's Automatic
07. The Gaye Blades - His Girl
08. Rudimentary Peni - Only Child
09. Slomatics - Blackwood
10. Sonic Youth - Kissability
11. Fang - Skinheads Smoke Dope
12. The Nation of Ulysses - Spectra Sonic Sound

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Night Sun - On My Way

Featuring Curtis Harding, members of the Black Lips and Night Beats.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Bone Tosser - Exit to the Wormhole

Chicago punk from 2007.