MP3 - PodOmatic - iTunes
Power pop, lunacy and sweet songs sung by sweet people.
01. Pointed Sticks - Out of Luck
02. The Saints - Run Down
03. The Rousers - Rock 'N' Roll or Run
04. The Manson Family - No Wrong
05. Lärm - Nothing For Us
06. Savageheads - Starve
07. Reverend Jim Jones and People's Temple Choir - Black Baby
08. David Koresh - Sheshonahim
09. Eyehategod - Lack of Almost Everything
10. Thou - Summit Revisited
11. Bass Drum of Death - Shattered Me
12. Sonic Chicken 4 - Only Lose
13. Redd Kross - Charlie
14. Charles Manson - Big Iron Door
15. Slade - Cum On Feel The Noize